Earth’s Dawn (known as Earth Wars in Japan) is a 2D action-RPG developed by OneorEight and published by Rising Star Games. If that name sounds familiar it’s because Rising Star also published the incredibly polarizing and divisive Deadly Premonition, an open-world survival horror game with a reputation for remarkable strangeness. Rising Star Games is a publisher that’s committed to bringing more unique titles over to the west, and Earth’s Dawn reflects this mission statement.

Set in a dystopian Tokyo where the alien “E.B.E” race has taken over, Earth’s Dawn has created a world that is undeniably Japanese. The art style oozes classic manga influences like Akira and Ghost in the Shell. The action and animations feel like watching an episode of Attack on Titan, with swooping aerials and aggressive sword swipes. Fans of Japanimation will be right at home here. But even if you’ve never heard of Akira in your life, there’s plenty here for fans of deep and satisfying action-RPG mechanics.

The combat in Earth’s Dawn will be very familiar to those who have ever played a 2D action game such as Muramasa Rebirth or Dragon’s Crown. However, the game feels unique thanks to specific moves tied to the analog sticks, likening it to more to a fighting game when pulling off long strings of combos and complex juggles. But don’t let this deter you, as the developers have tuned the systems of Earth’s Dawn to be accessible to both hardcore players that wish to “S” rank every mission, and casual players that just wish to play through each mission for pure enjoyment.

If you’re wondering why you are fighting the dangerous E.B.E race, the Rising Star Games website describes the story as:

Earth’s Dawn knows exactly what it is: a fun 2D action-RPG with great mechanics and a wholly Japanese style. This is a game to watch this fall season, especially for fans of indie games. For a full review, check back in to GameSkinny after the game releases for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on November 1st.