According to reports, on the fourteenth of October in 2020, Donald was captured. He was accused of homegrown attack, control of a handgun while under the convince, and illicit ownership of a weapon following a homegrown occurrence with Summer Wells’ mom, Candus Bly.

In the wake of getting reports, authorities were going towards the scene to Ben Hill Road, and when authorities reach there, they discovered Donald Wells in the driver’s seat of a vehicle.

They halted Donald and kept him; at that point, he was staggering and had a solid scent of liquor. Also, further, he had a dark powder gun in the vehicle with him and unveiled he was condemned to a lawful offense in Utah.

Later on, the police authorities were in chats with Candus Bly and found that Donald got back home alcoholic and saw a man in the house. As said by Bly, he began to contend with the man and battled with Bly. When contending, he pushed down Bly, which makes harm her knee.

Indeed, Donald Wells was captured for aggressive behavior at home, and he was in prison.

He contended with Candus Bly in the wake of getting back home alcoholic when he saw a man in the house. He had a solid smell of liquor and furthermore had a firearm in his vehicle.

While contending, he pushed Bly, and that made harm her knee. From that point forward, he began punching his own face and left home. Later on, authorities discovered him and arrested him, and he was subsequently set up for the Hawkins County Jail.

Bly was scared, and the following day of the episode, she petitioned for an Order of Protection against Donald Wells. She said she is apprehensive for her as well as her kids.

What’s more, following four days, on the consultation day, she dropped the request for assurance.

Donald is hitched to his better half, Candus Bly. It is realized they have a girl, yet data in regards to their child isn’t on the web.

In a meeting, Candus has documented an Order of Protection against Donald to secure herself and her kids. It implies Summer Bay, their little girl isn’t their lone kid.

— WLOS (@WLOS_13) June 23, 2021

Notwithstanding that, very little is thought about his relatives. Donald is yet to have his own Wikipedia page bio.

Nonetheless, his case bio is found on the web all over the place. He was captured on the charge of homegrown attack.

He was imprisoned in Hawkins County Jail. In addition, seeing his photos, it appears he is almost 45-55 years of age.

His real age and other birth subtleties are obscure to date. Donald Wells was captured, and his mugshot is with the authorities.

His reason for capture was homegrown attack. His better half has recorded against him, saying he beverages and tosses things. What’s more, she feared being harmed and further asserted Wells was oppressive intellectually and truly.

On the 21st of April in 2021, the charges of homegrown attack and unlawful weapon ownership were excused. Be that as it may, he conceded to control of a handgun while impaired.