The first episode of the series is titled “Making Monsters” and covers the details of why the team chose to have vampires in their game, naming self-awareness, intelligence, and moral choice as key factors behind the decision. The video also covers main character Johnathan Reid, and how becoming a vampire and encountering different types of vampires starts to change his perspective on reality.

As Johnathan, players will explore the world of vampires and will ultimately be left to decide whether they want to kill other characters and face the consequences of whichever actions they choose.

Additionally, players will travel through a darker version of early 20th-century London, discover the benefits and drawbacks of Johnathan’s condition, and develop their own combat style, using a combination of crafted weapons and vampire abilities.

Vampyr is considered by the developers to be an “AA” game, having a lower budget than triple-A games, but allowing more creative freedom. Vampyr will release for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in Spring 2018. The game was originally slated for a November 2017 release but was delayed due to technical issues.