DotA 2 Reborn has been in beta since earlier this year in June, promising to bring a whole slew of new features to the game. Among the changes were overhauls to the game’s UI systems, custom game support, as well as graphical and connection improvements.

Those who have already downloaded the Reborn Beta can start playing after downloading a 190 MB patch that was released earlier this morning. Those who have not downloaded Reborn - or DotA 2 in general - will have to download the entire client.

Compendium owners should also note that the weather effects have now been released in the Reborn client. These effects include: the autumn-themed ‘Harvest’, the sandstorm ‘Sirocco’, and the world decaying ‘Pestilence’.

What’s more: Arc Warden from the original Defense of the Ancients: All-Stars has now received a hero slot in the coding for DotA 2 Reborn. Does this mean we could expect to see the hero appearing in the game soon? Only time will tell.