Both busts are collectible, limited edition, game-accurate sculptures that used the actual game production modeling files used to create the cinematics of these characters for the game and its DLC.
They are hand-painted and hand-crafted, cold-cast porcelain busts with faux marble pedestal bases modeled after the Greco-Roman style. The Dorian bust is approx. 6 inches tall, 3.5 inches wide at the base, while The Iron Bull bust stands at 7.5 inches (including the tops of the horns) and 6.5 inches wide at the base. This makes both roughly the size of a PlayStation controller.
Both of these collectible figures come in boxes with covers featuring promotional game art on the outside. Both figures sell for $70.00 each at the BioWare store.
Dragon Age: Inquisition’s final DLC titled Trespasser is currently available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One and leads 2 years after the base game left off.