The company behind one of the ultimate first person shooter series, BattleField, Dice Studios, released a trailer at E3 this year revealing they will try to fill the huge shoes that Lucas Art Studios left as they try to create another work of art in the Star Wars Battlefront series. 

What Did The Trailer Reveal?

After watching the trailer multiple times, there is very little that it revealed. The trailer, that lasted less than 30 seconds, showed a first person view of a rebel soldier after, what appears to be, a crash landing on the winter planet of Hoth. Laser shots are seen as a Rebel Snow speeder zooms by overhead followed by a huge foot of an Empirical AT-AT walker! 

Very similar to the Hoth battle in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, the trailer showed just enough to satisfy my needs until the game comes out! My only worry is if Dice Studios can deliver a hot new game in a series filled with nostalgia and hype!