This Edge of Eternity guide collects all of the crafting recipes for all available weapons and armor pieces. You can purchase most of the ingredients from the city vendors, but some will require you to roam the wilderness in search of the right materials.

All Weapons Crafting Recipes in Edge of Eternity

Selene Weapons Crafting Recipes

Shamanic Staff

Wood x8 Dunnrir’s Bone x2

Prophet Staff

Shamanic Staff x1 Wood x20 Dunnrir’s Bone x6 Dunnrir’s Antlers x4

Wood Spine Staff

Shamanic Staff x1 Wood x20 Dunnrir’s Bone x4 Dunnrir’s Antlers x2

World Spine Staff

Prophet Staff x1 Wood x30 Dunnrir’s Bone x8 Dunnrir’s Antlers x8 Ur-Dunnrir’s Horn x2

Animist Staff

Wood Spine Staff x1 Wood x30 Dunnrir’s Bone x8 Dunnrir’s Antlers x8 Ur-Dunnrir’s Horn x2

Silent Soulstaff

Iron x8 Diluted Memory x2

Singing Soulstaff

Silent Soulstaff x1 Iron x20 Diluted Memory x4 Spirit Imprint x2

Winged Soulstaff

Silent Soulstaff x1 Iron x25 Diluted Memory x6 Spirit Imprint x4

Chorus Soulstaff

Singing Soulstaff x1 Iron x30 Diluted Memory x8 Spirit Imprint x8 Dream Essence x2

Magnifying Technostaff

Iron x8 Titanium Scrap x2

Prototype Technostaff

Magnifying Technostaff x1 Iron x20 Titanium Scrap x6 Titanium Alloy x4

Quantum Technostaff

Magnifying Technostaff x1 Iron x20 Titanium Scrap x4 Titanium Alloy x2

Catalyst Technostaff

Prototype Technostaff x1 Iron x30 Titanium Scrap x8 Titanium Alloy x8 Titanium Crystal x2

Daryon Weapons Crafting Recipes

Stone Cutter

Mineroll x1 Celestian Alloy x1 Magic Stone x2

Stone Blade

Stone Cutter x1 Iron x20 Magic Stone x6 Gurnn Knuckle x4

Crystal Blade

Stone Blade x1 Iron x30 Magic Stone x8 Gurnn Knuckle x8 Obsidian x2

Gem Cutter

Stone Cutter x1 Iron x20 Magic Stone x6 Gurnn Knuckle x4

Basalt Blade

Gem Cutter x1 Iron x30 Magic Stone x8 Gurnn Knuckle x8 Obsidian x2


Iron x8 Diluted Memory x2

Slumbering Soulblade

Soulblade x1 Iron x20 Diluted Memory x4 Spirit Imprint x2

Winged Soulblade

Soulblade x1 Iron x25 Diluted Memory x6 Spirit Imprint x4

Pulsating Soulblade

Slumbering Soulblade x1 Iron x30 Diluted Memory x8 Spirit Imprint x8 Dream Essence x2

Humming Knife

Iron x8 Titanium Scrap x2


Humming Knife x1 Iron x20 Titanium Scrap x6 Titanium Alloy x4

Roaring Blade

Humming Knife x1 Iron x20 Titanium Scrap x4 Titanium Alloy x2


Humming Knife x1 Iron x30 Titanium Scrap x8 Titanium Alloy x8 Titanium Crystal x2


Celestium x8

Ysoris Weapons Crafting Recipes

Sickle Of Atonement

Iron x8 Diluted Memory x2

Sickle of Contrition

Sickle Of Atonement x1 Iron x20Diluted Memory x6 Spirit Imprint x4

Winged Sickle

Sickle Of Atonement x1 Iron x20 Diluted Memory x4 Spirit Imprint x2

Sickle Of Absolution

Sickle of Contrition x1 Iron x30 Diluted Memory x8 Spirit Imprint x8 Dream Essence x2

Dynamo Scythe

Iron x8 Titanium Scrap x2

Engine Scythe

Dynamo Scythe x1 Iron x20 Titanium Scrap x6 Titanium Alloy x4


Dynamo Scythe x1 Iron x20 Titanium Scrap x4 Titanium Alloy x2

Hell Cleaver

Engine Scythe x1 Iron x30 Titanium Scrap x8 Titanium Alloy x8 Titanium Crystal x2

Fallon Weapons Crafting Recipes

Prototype Coilgun

Iron x8 Titanium Scrap x2

Electro-Mag Pistol

Prototype Coilgun x1 Iron x20 Titanium Scrap x6 Titanium Alloy x4

Helical Handgun

Prototype Coilgun x1 Iron x20 Titanium Scrap x4 Titanium Alloy x2

Gauss Handgun

Electro-Mag Pistol x1 Iron x30 Titanium Scrap x8 Titanium Alloy x8 Titanium Crystal x2

All Armor Crafting Recipes in Edge of Eternity

Daryon Armor Crafting Recipes

Leather Tunic

Leather Hide x1 Orokko Tail x1

Leather Armband

Leather Hide x1 Dorsal Tongue x1

Leather Boots

Leather Hide x1 White Calcite x1

Leather Pants

Leather Hide x1 Gurnn Knuckle x1

Leather Hood

Leather Hide x1 Dunnrir’s Bone x1

Wild Leather Tunic

Leather Hide x2 Orokko Tail x2 Orokko Shell x1

Wild Leather Armband

Leather Hide x2 Dorsal Tongue x2 Dorsal Fang x1

Wild Leather Boots

Leather Hide x2 White Calcite x2 Shining Scale x1

Wild Leather Pants

Leather Hide x2 Gurnn Knuckle x2 Catalyst Stone x1

Wild Leather Hood

Leather Hide x2 Dunnrir’s Bone x2 Dunnrir’s Antlers x1

Padded Armor

Monster Hide x1 Breathing Ivy x2

Padded Vambraces

Monster Hide x1 Chitin x2

Padded Boots

Monster Hide x1 Morom Fluid x2

Padded Greaves

Monster Hide x1 Burrower’s Bowels x2

Padded Helmet

Monster Hide x1 Diluted Memory x2

Studded Leather Gauntlets

Monster Hide x2 Breathing Ivy x3 Nephenta Pollen x1

Studded Leather Coif

Monster Hide x2 Chitin x3 Blue Fluid x1

Studded Leather Armor

Monster Hide x2 Morom Fluid x3 Morom Mother of Pearl x1

Studded Leather Leggings

Monster Hide x2 Burrower’s Bowels x3 Intriguing Fossil x1

Studded Leather Boots

Monster Hide x2 Diluted Memory x3 Soul Imprint x1

Steel Gauntlets

Dark Blue Steel x1 Titanium Scrap x2

Steel Helmet

Dark Blue Steel x1 Venom Extract x2

Steel Cuirass

Dark Blue Steel x1 Skittan Whisket x2

Steel Leggings

Dark Blue Steel x1 Projective Lens x2

Steel Boots

Dark Blue Steel x1 Essence of Despair x2

Nomad Helm

Dark Blue Steel x2 Titanium Scrap x3 Titanium Alloy x1

Nomad Armor

Dark Blue Steel x2 Venom Extract x3 Red Widow Fang x1

Nomad Gloves

Dark Blue Steel x2 Skittan Whisket x3 Skittan Tail x1

Nomad Leggings

Dark Blue Steel x2 Projective Lens x3 Optic Laser x1

Nomad Boots

Dark Blue Steel x2 Essence of Despair x3 Essence of Disgust x1

Arkadian Helmet

Arkadian Steel x1 Useless Bauble x2

Arkadian Armor

Arkadian Steel x1 Helïcoïdal Horn x2

Arkadian Gauntlets

Arkadian Steel x1 Jet Feather x2

Arkadian Greaves

Arkadian Steel x1 Wirm Wings x1 Helïcoïdal Horn x1

Arkadian Boots

Arkadian Steel x1 Useless Bauble x1 Jet Feather x1

Obsidian Armor

Arkadian Steel x2 Useless Bauble x3 Titanium Crystal x1

Obsidian Gauntlets

Arkadian Steel x2 Helïcoïdal Horn x3 Bottled Fumes x1

Obsidian Boots

Arkadian Steel x2 Jet Feather x3 Pulsating Kernel x1

Obsidian Greaves

Arkadian Steel x2 Wirm Talon x1 Bottled Fumes x1

Obsidian Helmet

Arkadian Steel x2 Titanium Crystal x1 Pulsating Kernel x1

Selene Armor Crafting Recipes

Cloth Hood

Fabric x1 Orokko Tail x2

Cloth Robe

Fabric x1 Dorsal Tongue x2

Cloth Armband

Fabric x1 White Calcite x2

Light Boots

Fabric x1 Chitin x2

Cloth Pants

Fabric x1 Dunnrir’s Bone x2

Scholar Robe

Fabric x2 Orokko Tail x3 Orokko Shell x1

Scholar Pants

Fabric x2 Dorsal Tongue x3 Dorsal Fang x1

Scholar Armband

Fabric x2 White Calcite x3 Shining Scale x1

Scholar Boots

Fabric x2 Chitin x3 Blue Fluid x1

Scholar Hood

Fabric x2 Dunnrir’s Bone x3 Dunnrir’s Antlers x1

Sorcerer’s Diadem

Silk x1 Gurnn Knuckle x2

Sorcerer’s Jacket

Silk x1 Morom Fluid x2

Sorcerer’s Gloves

Silk x1 Skittan Whisket x2

Sorcerer’s Boots

Silk x1 Essence of Despair x2

Sorcerer’s Trousers

Silk x1 Breathing Ivy x2

SpiderSilk Gloves

Silk x2 Gurnn Knuckle x3 Catalyst Stone x1

SpiderSilk Robe

Silk x2 Morom Fluid x3 Morom Nacre x1

SpiderSilk Headband

Silk x2 Skittan Whisket x3 Skittan Tail x1

SpiderSilk Leggings

Silk x2 Essence of Despair x3 Essence of Disgust x1

SpiderSilk Shoes

Silk x2 Breathing Ivy x3 Nephenta Pollen x1

Runic Gloves

Shadowsilk x1 Burrower’s Bowels x2

Runic Robe

Shadowsilk x1 Titanium Scrap x2

Runic Headband

Shadowsilk x1 Venom Extract x2

Runic Leggings

Shadowsilk x1 Useless Bauble x2

Runic Shoes

Shadowsilk x1 Diluted Memory x2

Karandu Robe

Shadowsilk x2 Burrower’s Bowels x3 Intriguing Fossil x1

Karandu Headband

Shadowsilk x2 Titanium Scrap x3 Titanium Alloy x1

Karandu Gloves

Shadowsilk x2 Venom Extract x3 Red Widow Fang x1

Karandu Pants

Shadowsilk x2 Useless Bauble x3 Titanium Crystal x1

Karandu Boots

Shadowsilk x2 Diluted Memory x3 Soul Imprint x1

Inertia Headband

Crystal Silk x1 Wirm Wings x2

Inertia Robe

Crystal Silk x1 Jet Feather x2

Inertia Gloves

Crystal Silk x1 Projective Lens x2

Inertia Shoes

Crystal Silk x1 Helïcoïdal Horn x2

Inertia Pants

Crystal Silk x1 Breathing Ivy x2

Consecrated Laurel

Crystal Silk x2 Wirm Wings x3 Wirm Talon x1

Consecrated Gown

Crystal Silk x2 Jet Feather x3 Pulsating Kernel x1

Consecrated Gloves

Crystal Silk x2 Projective Lens x3 Optic Laser x1

Consecrated Shoes

Crystal Silk x2 Helïcoïdal Horn x3 Bottled Fumes x1

Consecrated Skirt

Crystal Silk x2 Breathing Ivy x3 Nephenta Pollen x1

Myrna Armor Crafting Recipes

Mystical Hood

Fabric x1 Mineroll x1 Orokko Tail x1

Mystical Sash

Fabric x1 Celestian Alloy x1 Dorsal Tongue x1

Mystical Wristbands

Fabric x1 Membrane x1 Dunnrir’s Bone x1

Mystical Shoes

Membrane x1 Celestian Alloy x1 White Calcite x1

Mystical Waistcloth

Membrane x1 Mineroll x1 Gurnn Knuckle x1

Fallon Armor Crafting Recipes

Shadowsilk Gloves

Shadowsilk x1 Crystalsoaked Leather x1 Red Widow Fang x1

Stylish Hairpin

Shadowsilk x1 Crystalsoaked Leather x1 Nephenta Pollen x1

Leather Corset

Shadowsilk x1 Crystalsoaked Leather x1 Morom Nacre x1

Shadowsilk Leggings

Shadowsilk x1 Crystalsoaked Leather x1 Blue Fluid x1

Shadowsilk Boots

Shadowsilk x1 Crystalsoaked Leather x1 Skittan Tail x1

Eastfalian Hood

Crystal Silk x1 Chimetic Leather x1 Wirm Wings x1

Eastfalan Jacket

Crystal Silk x1 Chimetic Leather x1 Useless Bauble x1

Eastfalian Gloves

Crystal Silk x1 Chimetic Leather x1 Titanium Scrap x1

Eastfalian Leggings

Crystal Silk x1 Chimetic Leather x1 Jet Feather x1

Eastfalian Boots

Crystal Silk x1 Chimetic Leather x1 Essence of Despair x1

Anarch Headband

Crystal Silk x2 Chimetic Leather x2 Wirm Talon x1

Anarch Corset

Crystal Silk x2 Chimetic Leather x2 Titanium Crystal x1

Anarch Gloves

Crystal Silk x2 Chimetic Leather x2 Titanium Alloy x1

Anarch Shoes

Crystal Silk x2 Chimetic Leather x2 Pulsating Kernel x1

Anarch Leggings

Crystal Silk x2 Chimetic Leather x2 Essence of Disgust x1

Ysoris Armor Crafting Recipes

Orokko Leather Strap

Astryan Alloy x2 Breathing Ivy x3 Nephenta Pollen x1

Orokko Leather Harbais

Astryan Alloy x2 Chitin x3 Blue Fluid x1

Destitute Noble Vest

Astryan Alloy x2 Gurnn Knuckle x3 Catalyst Stone x1

Rusty Rotary Disk

Astryan Alloy x2 Burrower’s Bowels x3 Intriguing Fossil x1

Rusty Heels

Astryan Alloy x2 Venom Extract x3 Red Widow Fang x1

Polyester Straps

Dark Blue Steel x1 Skittan Whisket x2

Foppish Waistcoat

Dark Blue Steel x1 Dorsal Tongue x2

Polished Rotary Disk

Dark Blue Steel x1 Orokko Tail x2

Rubber Heels

Dark Blue Steel x1 Projective Lens x2

Polyester Harness

Dark Blue Steel x1 White Calcite x2

Reinforced Straps

Dark Blue Steel x2 Skittan Whisket x3 Skittan Tail x1

Reinforced Harness

Dark Blue Steel x2 Dorsal Tongue x3 Dorsal Fang x1

Superior Waistcoat

Dark Blue Steel x2 Orokko Tail x3 Orokko Shell x1

Steel Rotary Disk

Dark Blue Steel x2 Projective Lens x3 Optic Laser x1

Steel Heels

Dark Blue Steel x2 White Calcite x3 Shining Scale x1

Crystalsilk Straps

Chimetic Leather x1 Wirm Wings x2

Vagrant’s Coat

Chimetic Leather x1 Jet Feather x2

Arkadian Heels

Chimetic Leather x1 Helïcoïdal Horn x2

Vagrant’s Leggings

Chimetic Leather x1 Titanium Scrap x2

Arkadian Disks

Chimetic Leather x1 Chitin x2

Dusk Straps

Chimetic Leather x2 Wirm Wings x3 Wirm Talon x1

Last Chance Jacket

Chimetic Leather x2 Jet Feather x3 Pulsating Kernel x1


Chimetic Leather x2 Helïcoïdal Horn x3 Bottled Fumes x1

Light Step Heels

Chimetic Leather x2 Titanium Scrap x3 Titanium Alloy x1

Godmachine Disk

Chimetic Leather x2 Chitin x3 Blue Fluid x1

Theia Armor Crafting Recipes

Ancient Cranium

Arkadian Steel x1 White Calcite x2

Ancient Arms

Arkadian Steel x1 Morom Fluid x2

Ancient Legs

Arkadian Steel x1 Chitin x2

Ancient Coupola

Arkadian Steel x1 Titanium Scrap x2

Ancient Bases

Arkadian Steel x1 Useless Bauble x2

Klaysha Helmet

Arkadian Steel x2 White Calcite x3 Shining Scale x1

Klaysha Torso

Arkadian Steel x2 Morom Fluid x3 Morom Nacre x1

Klaysha Hands

Arkadian Steel x2 Chitin x3 Blue Fluid x1

Klaysha Feets

Arkadian Steel x2 Titanium Scrap x3 Titanium Alloy x1

Klaysha Legs

Arkadian Steel x2 Useless Bauble x3 Titanium Crystal x1

Those are all crafting recipes in Edge of Eternity. You can also check out our best weapons guide, and read our official Edge of Eternity review right here!